This course is 12 hours online.
We will cover facts about bamboo, discuss benefits and contraindications of thermotherapy, Also, we will discuss items needed and learn a routine. We will explore the history, research based benefits, and contraindications of reflexology. students will practice sanitization of the feet and learn a routine.
Student learning outcomes are assessed by completion of a comprehensive, written
exam and must receive a passing score of 80% or higher.
On-line sources:
All classroom content is stored on GOOGLE CLASSROOM. Upon payment, the class
link will be emailed to you.
Google classroom documents:
After joining the class, you will find the following documents.
● Registration form
● Ethics workbook
● Ethics exam
● Receipt
● CE certificate
● Links to studies
1. Log in to google classroom by using the link provided
2. Fill out your registration form completely.
3. Read the report on ethics
4. Complete the exam